B.I.G. D.O.G.S. Academic Programs

Welcome to the B.I.G. D.O.G.S. Math and Reading Program. This program was established on August 28, 2006. B.I.G. D.O.G.S. Youth Organization is dedicated to helping children who need or want help in improving their math and reading skills. Children can be brought to our office Monday through Thursday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. This program is free for all children ages 12 & under. See above for our office location. You can contact any of the board members on the contact page for more information.

B.I.G. D.O.G.S. Sports Programs

Welcome to B.I.G. D.O.G.S. Sports! We are excited about 2010. We have several sports teams. Please see below for the sport and each team associated with that sport. Please click on the related link to to see a schedule. We look forward to seeing great crowds at each game and are thankful for all of your support.

Basketball Basketball
IBA 8 & Under IBA 10 & Under "A" IBA 10 & Under "B"
IBA 12 & Under "A" IBA 12 & Under "B"  
YMCA 6 & Under YMCA 8 & Under YMCA 10 & Under
7th Grade Boys Select 8th Grade Boys Select  
Lady B.I.G. D.O.G.S. Tournament Team
IGBA 8 & Under IGBA 10 & Under IGBA 12 & Under
Basketball Football
IBFA 5 & 6 IBFA 7 & 8 IBFA 9 & 10
IBFA 11 & 12    
Basketball Track
B.I.G. D.O.G.S. Track    
Basketball Basketball
IBBA 6 & Under IBBA 8 & Under IBBA 10 & Under
Basketball Cheerleading
B.I.G. D.O.G.S. Cheerleaders    
Guest Book

We would welcome the opportunity to hear from you. Feel free to share a comment about the B.I.G. D.O.G.S. organization, ask a question, or voice your interest in making a difference.

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Would you like to keep up with the latest B.I.G. D.O.G.S. happenings? Then we invite you to join our mailing list. Rest assured your address resides only on our list and is not shared with anyone.

  © b.i.g. d.o.g.s. youth organization
all rights reserved